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Organic Precise SeaCure+

Sea Cure+ is a chitosan product with enhanced biostimulants as well as soil conditioners and a natural wetting agent.


Sea Cure+ is a chitosan product with enhanced biostimulants as well as soil conditioners and a natural wetting agent

• Promotes root growth

• Increases root health

• Improves plant’s natural immunity system

• Improves disease and insect resistance

• Consistent size of the molecule improves absorption

• Improves stress tolerance

• Increases efficiency of applied pesticides

• Production of reactive defense mechanisms

• Phytoalexin synthesis

• Cell wall reinforcement

• Increases production of pathogenesis-related proteins

• stimulates photosynthesis

• increases the production of microbial activity

• increase the efficiency of nutrients

• reduce soil compaction

• superior wetting

• reduce transpiration

• lower rates

• lower input costs

• improves cation exchange

• improves water efficiency

• stimulates microbial activity including:

myccorhiza and trichoderma

• improves water efficiency

• increase biodiversity

• improve overall health

• improve symbiotic relationships

• improves root development

• increase drought tolerance

• improves soil structure

• improves seed germination times

• improves seed establishment times